IT IS TIME to report on the vegetation at home.
Meditation thoughts
for today
DO you have a garden or a collection of plants?
Are you humble by nature or struggle as I do, with it?
Dear gardener/reader, does it really matter if you/one show an aura of humility night and day, like the Cole Porter song, or demonstrate with his/her plants, references, research and above average will to share, improve his close by environment?
On the first question, I am inclined to declare that considering the way
I plant, without much thought to what the feeble 2uglas Kndelabro installation school shows, it is a collection. Nothing is planted in bunches, or silly rows with the CORNY curves, demonstrated all over Puercorico.
The Carica Papaya, nine months old, after reviewing my journal, continues ahead developing this yummy fruit, still not ready.
All Plumerias, white, yellow and pink have flowers and leaves simultaneously, something that is not always the case.
There is a new hole in the concrete driveway, at the end in the corner, on the picture at right. It is about 18 in diameter. A pink Hibiscus was planted along some DK vine, a week ago.
I eliminated one of the vines in this area after a suggestion and some pondering. I had my doubts but the space looks cleaner, less busy.
ON the other hand since this north space receives little sun in an angle, the Bethelhem star, Gardenia, Euphorbia pulcherrima, will be
warmer and brighter from now on.
interaction anecdotes
while irrigating
One lady from la Espanhola stopped your humble servant in
an irritating rush to request some plant.
I told the ugly fool to get out of the car
and show me the plant.
It was the Star, Cosmos sulphureous.
I gave her a bunch of cut leaves for some
medicinal tea. Something else learned.
The second adventure was twenty minutes later. This curvaceous
native, stopped to enjoy some of my flowers, with some irrelevant chit chat. Told me she planted a Guaicum officinale from seeds of trees
I much admired in Old San Juan. A brutish painter kill it while
washing brushes with thinner. If you have a garden, beware of those
stupid handy men: natives or imported.
the two new inductees to the collection
Mesquite, planted from Guanica seeds and
Origanum vulgaris