Tuesday, October 19, 2010


ONE of the rules for setting trends in this neck of the woods, is to own, collect plants of any kind, research and investigate,  including weeds with or without aesthetic values out of context.

Meaning that beauty and/or originality in the composition, beholder apart,
will be the result of the installation as a whole.  After known elements of composition in gardening as you probably know/or not, and follow with your own skills without the need to classify it. Meaning formal, prairie, cottage for example.

However, if you have a lawn, palms, bromeliads, Strelitzia reginae, gingers or heliconias, Ravenala madascariensis, I say, declare your garden sucks big time, looking like a hotel or golf course entrance down here or Fort Lauderdale, gaudy.

I will speculate also. You are environmentally/horticulturally incorrect, since you are not a nimby, or not in my backyard.  Unless you have a push mower, goats or sheep to do the lawn, the life of your neighbors, alligators included, is hell on earth with noise and pollution with: gas/oil, propane or diesel.  Herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and fertilizers.
In addition water waste. In brief you and your garden suck, since biodiversity our surroundings are destroyed with your selfish ways.

Join me in this crusade, you yellow belly backward fool. Repent. After you pass away, you, your groupies, will reach the milk and honey so often mentioned, not along Antigonum, among your own. Amen.


You may skip this section if you depend solely on plants from nurseries.

Merremia quinquefolia

Herbaceus vine with twisting stems from a woody base and palmately compound leaves by 5 elliptic,  lanceolate or oblanceolate leaflets. Found at banks, thickets and over fences in low medium elevations. Flowering all year long, mostly November to May.

Clitorea ternatea

Woody vine 1 to 3 meters long, with slender cylindric stem covered by hairs when young. Found in thickets, roadsides and over fences.  Very much planted in the tropic areas of the world for its beautiful flowers. Naturalized native of Europe. With flowers through out the year.

Merremia aegyptia

Common vine in fields, river banks and thickets of lower elevations of dry humid districts, covered with dense yellow-brown patent hairs.

Taken from: Flowers of Puerto Rico and The Exotics, by Edwin Milner Sola

On the next episode I will provide a source from the New York Botanical Garden for you to investigate on your own if willing: Ipomoea aegyptia, PPassiflora foetida, Passiflora pallida l. and gratis, Dipterantus prostratus. s.

You can garden like a gaudy nurseries, hotel entrance, or aim higher, is up to you, not a command.

Apaga i vamonoh.

Post Partum Bonus

A way to measure popularity is to assign five species by follower, visitors, countries, cities or comments.

Since this is no feisbuk competition to gather the most followers, I remind one dear reader, the inspiration for today post, that the garden itself, not I, nor the blog is what matters.

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