Thursday, February 3, 2011


T he relationship between Puerto Rico and USA, has created some ill conceived,
sickening view, demeanor as to our virtues.  The flag is always present. Islanders have to watch it constantly to feel a sense of belonging, silly, infantile pride.  To remember their place of birth.

When I questioned Esmeralda Santiago  author of "Cuando era Puertorrikenha", in my traditional humble ways, about lacking this national identity urge when I lived in USA, she had the courtesy to respond that, 'mine were different'.
I will leave this for the future.  It presents a juicy opportunity to kick some virtual and real ass, since I feel no blind love for USA, either.

Let it suffice, that every time I leave the house I find something to criticize, not for sport, joy, but duty. Me cago en la madre que los pario.

Check the footer.  This was the repair I mentioned before. They covered the hole, not before making it four times bigger, but failed to compact and cover it with asphalt.

Let the people know this is not one neck in the woods vicinity. The average house between Barbe and Sagrado Corazon streets, east and west of the University Sagrado Corazon are over 200  thousand bucks range.  Mind you these houses are over fifty years old.

If you like this, imagine what I have left under my sleeve.  I would like to invite all, to follow up in puertorrikenhadasinmostaza, where It feels more comfortable to discuss ways in which all Puertorican matters in business, culture, building and socialissues, to name a few are resolved: in a half assed, trivial, incompetent and superficial fashion.

Sure, depuertorricopalmundo, look the other way, tell us about the astronaut, the tennis player, el maraton and the fellow in the snow...Puerto Rico does it better?


  1. No, PR no cualifica ni para portaaviones. Cuándo se ha visto uno con hoyos. Si los habitantes de los EEUU supieran que hemos hecho con una isla hermosa al transformarla en una placa de cemento y asfalto mal puestos, construirían 100 millones de remolcadores y nos arrastrarían lejos. Véalo así: seremos el ejemplo de como no deben hacerse las cosas. Las madres dirán a sus hijos: aprende a usar la cabeza, no vaya a ser que acabes como esos degenerados. Gracias por el placer de leerlo y ver sus fotos.

  2. Pues como no siempre contesto, indico que siempre leo los comentarios.

    Los suyos son pertinentes, no por la jerga de joven que utiliza para expresarse, o porque coincida o no con mi percepcion de lo real infernal i caluroso.

    Sino por mostrar una preocupacion causa de la percepcion e introspeccion que tanto la sociedad, en colectivo, como los individuos/as parecen haber perdido.

    Aparte de los cojones. La sociedad circundante le teme hasta su sombra. La complacencia les lleva a eso, convertirse en momias virtuales i reales.


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