Friday, April 15, 2011


Many islanders are prone to preach about the environment, however lacking imagination, will, energy or god knows what, limit their output to repeat as an echo what someone else has stated.

Others, just with good will, brain dead and ignorant of the issues, preach and recommend dangerous practices for the populace in general. I just saw in some blog or newspaper photos of some imbeciles celebrating their crops of batatas grown in car tires.

These fools, do not know about chemicals polluting soil and water  byproducts of rubber when exposed to sun and rain  They are so dangerous that many people refuse to use any product made of recycled tires to use as compost or in children playgrounds as surface.

And so life goes on. Here are some pictures of recycled stands, a bucket and tin can that anyjuan could add to his/her garder in/\out door with some aestethical value and very little expense.  A couple of spray cans, and some imagination.

that is that

1 comment:

  1. Seguro que muchos no analizamos bien las consecuencias, Le contare una anécdota: Tengo un árbol de Neem, y ese árbol tiene propiedades curativas controla el colesterol y trigliceridos. Un día se lo comente a un trabajador que estaba remodelando el baño y tiene el vicio de fumar. Pues buen susto me dio ya que al paso de los días me contó que puso a secar las hojas y se las fumo, por poco se ahoga y la justificación a este acto fue que probablemente si lo fumaba le haría mucho bien.

    Sin palabras, hasta pronto un abrazo.


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