Wednesday, September 14, 2011


DURING THE last five years
I have had the chance  to practice my speed and skills at the keyboard, taken some photos, set quite a few trends in the Caribbean with the most documented garden and shared  some social critique with readers. 
Its time to say farewell. This last post presents a few sculptures that I find attractive and unusual compared to all outdoor art, found in the Puertorican concrete, asphalted neck of the woods.

The way population growth and environmental destruction by
 individuals and the collective continues 24/7, perhaps, it would be a good idea to create a zoo with sculptures such as these ones to allow children have a glimpse of what things used to be.

and good luck with your projects. 

Dario apaga la luh. 


  1. I'm definitely surprised. Is this an actual good bye or more of a sabbatical?
    guess i'll see remnants of you all over the will be missed.

  2. I will return in the future, since I am getting slimmer, more handsome and healthier in addition, going without saying, humble.

    Sabbatical is accurate,a nice way to define it.

    I thank you for your support during this time, I appreciate it.

    On the other hand, I hope your new adventures in singledom, will keep that imagination, Jules Verne like intact...

    Un abrazo desde Santurce..,

    AC the most humble in the whole wild world.

  3. Si algún día decide regresar espero estar por aquí, todo empieza y termina. Pasé momentos muy agradables conociendo los avances en su jardín,su clasificación de plantas, a Diva, los baches de sus calles y a sus latosos vecinos, el deterioro del mundo. Gracias por acompañarme en la web.
    Interesantes fuentes.

  4. Agradezco su apoyo consistente durante este tiempo. He disfrutado por igual de su trabajo en la web...Cuando regreso les dejo saber..

    Un abrazo franco desde el CAribe...

  5. Cuando vuelvas con nuevos escritos, fotos y videos, haz que se note. Y que sea como dijo el beato, un año sabático. Si es posible, publica otro blog o sigue con este antes. Suerte en lo que sea que emprendas.

  6. David, el blog se nota en cinco continentes, de cada tres lecores del nuestro, por aca, dos son de USA, uno de PR. El resto es del mundo. No hay nada que hacer para que se note, se nota bastante. AquI? No importa, ni me importa, por eso escribo en ingles. Agradezco sus visitas i consistentes comentarios. Suerte iexito para usted tambien...

  7. Just when I discovered your blog, you say goodbye. I hope to see you elsewhere soon.

  8. Just when I discovered your blog, you sign out. :-) I hope that you continue or start a new one soon.

  9. To all me frieds I declare that I will be back soon or later. No sleepimg. No laurels.

    Be well..


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