Monday, November 5, 2012

Vinicius Cantuaria - Ludo Real

MUSIC is also part of me life.  This token has been significant. I will never forget the first time I heard it in Tower Records, the second most important record store in Manhattan, during our self imposed exile.  At the time, the first and biggest  in USA, was Virgin Megastore in Times Square,  it had the pleasure to have me as 
a cashier for two winters, in the classical music department, before I became a simultaneous interpreter/translator in the Civil Court of the above mentioned.

I am not sure, but Cesaria Evora, originally from Cabo Verde, and Radio Tarifa, from Spain,  were also heard for a first magical time on that day.  These stores  are no longer available, they passed  away literally or as a figure of speech, thanks to digital music and downloads.

In brief, music, as gardening, demands some introspection and critical views with credentials. Nothing is written in stone, except biblical and irrelevant views of yesterday. Digital music has killed vynil, cd's and who knows what else will fall victim of  CAPITALISM, during me lifetime or yours. 

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