Monday, January 10, 2011


THE people know that I am not fond of buying plants in nurseries or visiting the lame ones in the asphalt/concrete isle.  Apparently, nine out of every ten gardeners with blogs practicing their horticultural skills do and write about it.

Euphorbia pulcherrima, a must, for many people during Christmas has become a standard presence anywhere, including, (against my preference), me house.

Out of five Poinsettias,  bought in Cayey City, 3 show mealy bugs.  I had to waste Antigonum's secret homemade insecticide on these plants. 

One of me far away readers replied to my comments regarding these silly hybrids designed to pass away and remain small,.. 'that it was good', since she has a small potted garden.

I do not agree. People should decide to keep the plant or not growing as tall as ancient species did.  The whole tradition is absurd. Everyjuan throws, soil and plastic pots away by the end of January.

The pundits on nurseries, bulbs,  and gardening related sales issues at should discuss the issue as only they could. A real waste of money and resources.  Poinsettias should be sold in recycled and/or biodegradable pots. Lets wear a fire engine red ribbon next Christmas if you agree.

I have had problems with caterpillars on Plumerias and Capsicum florescens, white flies with Calliandra haemathocephalla and Murraya paniculata, no longer around.

But the intensity of this pest in such a short time is a sign of  warning. If you buy plants from nurseries be on guard, or throw them to the waste basket, particularly in tropical zones.

That is that.
apagad e iros.

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